“Kostopil Glass Products Factory”
Capacity 1405 kW
You will see a lot of interesting things in our video, such as:
⁃ project implementation stages;
⁃ types of equipment that were used at the facilities;
⁃ options of solar panels layout at various enterprises;
⁃ principles of PV system operation and real performance indicators.
Equally important, these are real reviews of owners about their experience of using PV systems at enterprises.
Capacity 1405 kW
Capacity 825 kW
Capacity 778 kW
Capacity 725 kW
Capacity 554,4 kW
Capacity 531 kW
Capacity 505 kW
Capacity 355 kW
Capacity 325 kW
Capacity 287 kW
Capacity 275 kW
Capacity 246 kW